About The Author


This blog is created by a local tour guide born and raised in the northern region of Okinawa island. This lush mountainous area is locally known as Yanbaru, and the name means to the locals as a place to enjoy and appreciate nature.
I write, in a rather freewheeling manner, things I see and hear mainly in the nature-rich region of Okinawa . Okinawa is the southernmost prefecture in Japan. Come and experience this unique resort island in the heart of subtropical climate and blue ocean.
For those who wish to contact Shu Uechi, the author, please send an e-mail to: sr-uechi@auone.jp



Asia's Largest Aquarium "Churaumi Suizokukan"

Okinawa is a tiny island, I must admit. So it may not be easy to imagine that one of the largest aquarium is established here on the 100 mile long island. We don't have a vast expanse of land, yet we are surrounded by the huge body of water, located between the edge of the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea. If not mistaken, "Churaumi Aquarium" is one of the three largest aquariums in the world, and if you are planning to visit Asia, you might want to add this unique destination to your itinerary.

This huge aquarium proudly displays three shark whales -- the largest kind of shark existing on earth -- and the way those huge marine creatures swim in a grandiose manner in the aquarium is sure to dazzle every visitor.

It is my hope that more cruise ships will make port calls at Motobo harbor so that more foreign visitors have chanses to see the great aquarium.

Clik the URL below to virtually visit Churaumni Aquarium
